Serving Southwest Michigan

(269) 720-7605

Serving Southwest Michigan

(269) 720-7605

April 29, 2014

The following article was in today's Kalamazoo Gazette.  I thought it held good advice since people will be soon taking summer vacations.    Pack your meds first everyone!


Dear Abby:  I have worked in a pharmacy for 30 years, and every summer it's the same story.  People forget their medication and leave it at home. 

Why do people not realize that their meds should be one of the FIRST things they pack?  Yes, we can call their pharmacist back home to get a transfer; but if the prescription was just filled, their insurance will not go through, or they'll have to wait while we call for a vacation override.

Please people -- remember your medications, and if you don't plan on spending a while sitting around our pharmacy waiting for us to call your hometown pharmacy, and possibly your insurance company, then don't get angry at us when it takes longer than the 15 minutes you expected.

I love my job. But I'm beginning to dread irresponsible, crabby tourists who know they need their blood pressure meds every day and expect us to drop whatever we're dong to take care of them.

-- Phrustrated Pharmacist in Montana

April 17, 2014

Friendly reminder that next Wednesday, April 23, 2014 is Administrative Professionals' Day and the whole week is an observance of Administrative Professionals' Week, April 21-25.  As a former Executive / Administrative Assistant, I will say that it is very nice to receive a gift in recognition of the day and the good work that you do on a regular basis.  Let's face it, the assistants are the ones who either make or break the success of an office. The ones good at their job, continually thinking two steps ahead of what will be needed, who make the boss 'look good', etc. are worth their weight in gold.  So, remember to do something nice for, gift basket, gift cards, Gift of Time gift certificate from A Single Ray of Hope  :) are great ideas.  Some bosses choose to take their assistant out to lunch....which can be nice...but could also be awkward.  For a safe bet....go the gift route.

If you need assistance with the A Single Ray of Hope today!  We'll make you 'look good' and you'll receive the credit!

April 16, 2014

A Single Ray of Hope.  The name of my business.  Probably not recommended by marketing professionals but it fits for me!

After going through pages of brainstorming ideas for a business name for my personal assistant & concierge service, my husband and I recalled a song by Alabama that held personal meaning to our family. I won't bore you here with the lyrics but if you are interested, the link will take you to the lyrics and you can hear the song if you choose to download it.

I then found the following quote which kind of sums it up nicely for me.  

"Someday all you will have to light your way will be a single ray of hope and that will be enough."

~ Kobi Yamada

April 16, 2014

TO DO's a love/hate thing.  People either love making the lists or they dread the list because it's overwelming to see in writing all the tasks that you need to accomplish.

Well, here is an idea I read about recently.  Go ahead a put a few items on your list that you have already completed.  This way you can begin with a sense of accomplishment by crossing off those items right from the start.  It might just be the ticket for those of us that may have a difficult time getting started.  Try it before you knock it!

April 16, 2014

It's new and improved website is ready for viewing.  Check it out!


A Single Ray of Hope celebrates 16 years of being in business in July 2022!  How is this even possible? It is an amazing milestone for me and I am extremely proud and a veteran and woman-owned business.

Where did the idea come from to open a Concierge Service in Portage, Michigan? Well, myself and two dear friends would gather over frozen strawberry dacquiri's and making jewelry while brainstorming businesses to go into. My friends chose other routes and were equally as successful in their career paths, while I pursued opening A Single Ray of Hope's Personal Assistant & Concierge Service. 

Still today, I love being of service to people. I am blessed to meet and work for a wide variety of clients. Individuals of all walks of life....some working professionals both with and without families, retired seniors and their adult children, various businesses and more. I love getting to know people and hearing about their fascinating lives. My reward is knowing that my service is giving them the ability to focus on what is most important to them. It's about the value of time and how they choose to spend it while handing of their TO DO List to a trusted business.

I started my business as a way of giving back to others. My youngest son has special needs and many family and friends helped guide us over the years, providing respite, words of encouragement, providing helpful information of where to go for services and assistance. The takes a village is true. Others helped us and I wanted to help others in return.

Another reason for my business is I saw my mother who raised thirteen children end up struggling later in life with Alzheimers. I'd visit her in her nursing home and this really how life should be for a women who worked so hard to put her children through catholic school by donating her artistic time & talents, staying up late at night just to have a little peace & quiet, stretching a dollar beyond belief, and raising a good family? Mom's put themselves last, we do it willingly but in the end, we are doing a dis-service to ourselves and our families. I thought life shouldn't have to be this hard. How about a providing a service so that people could enjoy life more instead of running in a hundred directions?

Many times, I don't see a lot of my clients....I'm in and out of their home during the day while they are at work. Shopping is done, errands done, dry cleaning is hanging in their closet, meals prepped or cooked, prescriptions picked up, library books returned, service people have been to the home such as plumbers, etc. My business gives my clients some breathing room and that is how life should be lived. 

You get the picture. It's about work life balance and peace of mind....for both myself and my clients.  Life is short....take time to smell the flowers.